Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Workout Commitment

Today while on Facebook I saw a pinterest post about a girl who did this ab workout after her pregnancy every day for 30 days. She had a before and after picture that looked great so I decided to give it a try, especially since my workouts have been lacking lately.

She claimed it only took fifteen minutes. Well, I just did it tonight for the first time and it took me about twenty. My form wasn't the greatest, and I have to tell you it was quite a struggle to finish, but I did it! Only 29 days more days to go! I writing it in my blog to try and make my goal public (thus harder to break). So here goes nothing!

Here is the workout if you want to check it out.

My future abs! (in my dreams)

Friday, January 25, 2013

3 Months

Things we Love about Carter and 3 month pictures!

His cuteness...

His laughs and giggles...

His funny looks...

His strength...

His playfulness...

and most of all...his naps :) 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fun with Carter

Carter is a lot of work! But, John and I are getting better and keeping him happy, and we are enjoying a lot of little moments.

Hanging out with dad!

Tummy time!

Nap time!

Trying to put Carter's toy together. It took us quite a while, but now he likes it.

Tummy time with mom!

Enjoying his new toy.

Dad's head is blocking his face.

Doesn't he look so happy :)

Our happy little guy!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Trying New Foods

With our goal or losing weight, I've decided to try and cook healthier meals. Which means I had to find healthier recipes to try. So these are some of things that we have been eating (all of them aren't the healthiest :)

1. Chicken Wontons

The wontons were baked not fried which made them healthier, and I stuffed them full of veggies. I also discovered that John is a wonton folding master. We had fun making them together. Overall I thought that they were okay, but John liked them a lot. We are going to try and do our own ravioli next. 

2. Rachael Ray Chilli

This was super healthy. We both weren't too impressed, but John said the leftovers were really good so I guess we should make it next time and eat it the next day. 

3. French Bread Pizza

This was my favorite out of what we have tried. It was delicious and super easy to add tons of veggies on top of. We will make this one again.

One out of three isn't very good odds so far, but I'm still willing to continue to look for more recipes to try.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year Resolution

The new year always brings a sense of starting over or improving. So I've made some goals myself, we will see how well I do.

1. Biggest priority is to get the rest of this baby weight off! I'm within ten pounds now, and I'm pretty excited.

2. Keep up on my blog (check for today, yes!)

3. Go to the temple every month

4. Plant a successful garden

What are your new year goals?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Year In Review

Everyone was doing blog posts about their year and I thought it was a good idea to do the same, especially since I've been horrible about blog posting lately.

2012 has been the biggest year for John and I, and will be for a while.

Major Changes
1. We bought a house! (which I love, love, love)
2. We had Carter (who we also love, love, love, love)
3. I didn't get in a car accident (first time in 5 years), John didn't do so well though (it was a minor one)
4. John survived another year at work
5. We celebrated our 3 year anniversary

Minor Accomplishments
1. Finally jumped into this century and got phones with data plans
2. John ran a half marathon
3. Decorated the living room and nursery
4. Put in a yard
5. started a blog

Many other experiences, but overall we had a blast, and another addition to our family. I'm on my new computer so I don't have very many pics sorry!