Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gingerbread House

About two weeks ago I decided that it would be "fun" to make a gingerbread house from scratch to help use up some of our Halloween candy and that it would be something to do with my mom. None of us really like gingerbread, but no one eats the houses any ways. I made the dough and cooked it with my mom here, and John and I finished it a couple days after she left. The end result is a courtyard since we could barely get the sides to stay up (after about an hour of frustration), and it looks like a little kid did it, but I had some "fun" along the way!

Carter enjoyed watching us make it.

Here is Carter sleeping on the job!

Our attempt number 5 at getting it to stand up!

Look at the mess we made!!

Do you like it?

The finished product!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life Changing

Everyone said that having a baby would be life changing, but you never really know what that means until it happens to you. Carter is almost a month old now and life has just flown by! Of course I could never blog everything that has happened the last month but here are some of the things we have learned, and some cute pictures.

#1 Don't take too long to change a diaper (bad things happen).

#2 Carter does not like baths at all

#3 Pull the giant red lever behind the carseat to get Carter out of the car. (Mom and I had to ask another mom in the parking lot to help us out :) )

#4 To get Carter to take a binky you have to calm him down first, silly kid.

#5 Sleeping more than 4 hours at a time has never sounded sooooooooooooo nice!