Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer Time

Why do I feel like summer is already over? I simply can't go back to that horrible wintery weather yet. These are some of the things I've been enjoying this summer so far.

Splash Pads, or anything with water really

Gardening, even though I've only gotten a few strawberries :(


Warm sunshine!!

Watching bikers, walkers, and roller blade's on the trail behind our house.


Watching my little guy grow up!

The best part has been spending time with family and seeing friends. 
So far the worst part has been all the weeding I've done. This place was full of weeds!!! Sadly, so much more to do!

 Still at least another month of summer. Which means, seeing my family, a wedding, a week in park city with the Bainbridge family, and a week with the newlyweds! So many things to still look forward to!

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