Thursday, September 27, 2012

Work Baby Shower

For those of you who don't know I work at a Junior High called Bennion Jr. High up in Taylorsville. The drive is kind of long but I love it, so I can't complain. I started student teaching there and was lucky enough to do different jobs for about 2 years now. The students are fun to work with but I love the staff. They work so hard and are so loving that it makes going to work every day so easy. Any ways, one of the secretary's Gay Lynn threw me this amazing shower!

This is my prego buddy. We are actually due 3 days apart. I'm hoping she comes first because she has had a hard pregnancy compared to me, so it is only fair :)

Gay Lynn had it at her house with a BEAUTIFUL garden (which I didn't get any pictures of), but here is some of the amazing decorations and food we had.

These are some pictures of my friends at Bennion Jr. High.

This is Susette, who was my co-teacher when I student taught.

And here are pictures of some of the many cute things I got.

We didn't play any games and it was a good thing because I spent the whole time talking with everyone. Gay  Lynn sent me home with delicious cheesecake leftovers and all kinds of food which made the day perfect.

Thank you Bennion Jr High for being so loving!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Baby Stuff!!!

So I finally feel like we are getting prepared for the baby to come now that I'm 36 weeks (I know we are a little slow). It is making me a little nervous but a little more excited too.

Thanks to my amazing cousin Noelle we got a dresser, a bouncer thing, a high chair (which I know we won't use for a little while), two boxes of clothes and this super cute swing!

I haven't sorted through the clothes yet.

I also got a gift from my grandma!

Mom and Dad also got me a stroller and carseat! They are simply amazing!

Last week I got maternity pictures done and Vanessa did a great job! You can see them on Facebook but these are my favorites!

So our next goal is to pack the hospital bag!!! Crazy!! I was totally trying to think of some funny things to stick in there to entertain John (or at least make him smile) at the hospital, got any ideas? I already know to put bouncy balls in there :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fall Favorites

Now that fall is coming I'm actually looking forward to a lot of things. Even though I will miss summer, I realize that fall has somw great things too!

#1 Pumpkin Everything!!
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cheesecake, it is all so delicious! Eating our first pumpkin pie of the season on Sunday.

#2 Fall Colors

Fall trees are really beautiful! I wanted to take my maternity pictures in these colors but I couldn't wait, :(

#3 Corn Mazes

Don't you love getting lost and trying to find your way out? In Utah there are plenty of these to choose from and if I had it my way we would go to all of them. John isn't as big of a fan :)

#4 Halloween/Thanksgiving

I wasn't a huge fan of going around to gather candy, but I'm really excited for all the trick or treaters this year. We have a lot of kids in our neighborhood so I'm ready to see some great costumes. Also, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is all about food, how could it get better?

#5 Caramel Apples

My favorite fall treat has to be Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory apples. I love to eat them all year round, but it seems to traditionally be a fall treat so maybe that means I should get them more often in the fall?

#6 Baby Bainbridge

My new fall favorite will be our baby boy! I can't believe we are down to one month!

Monday, September 17, 2012

House Updates!!

Over the last couple of weeks we've had a couple of house updates!

#1 Outside!

It is kind of hard to tell from this picture but our grass is coming in! The large dirt spot is going to be a garden by the way (that is my responsibility). John is excited about it, but all I see is work for him (since he gets to take care of the rest of the yard). Our neighbors walk by and say, "You have a huge yard," and John replies, "For football games!" It isn't the most beautiful but we met our HOA requirements and will work on it more in the spring.

#2 Baby Room

Here is a picture of the baby room with the crib that John put together. I almost put the play pin/bassinet together by myself, John helped me with the mobile thing. I'm proud to say that seeing the room coming together and going to prenatal classes are helping me get over my extreme paranoia of newborns. The constant pressure on my ribs is helping too :).

#3 Living Room

My in-laws were getting rid of some furniture so we were lucky enough to get this stuff from them for free. It isn't really my style, and it is huge for such a small living room, but it is nice to have furniture in the front room. John and I have already designated it as the reading room and have taken naps on the couch.

We have enjoyed all the changes, it makes me love my house that much more!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Summer Blues

Now that I'm working I don't have as much time to blog, but as I was driving home today I started thinking about how sad it is that summer is almost over. These are the things I'm going to miss the most.

#1 Fresh Fruit
I love all the fruit that people grow and how cheap they are in the store. Hopefully next year we will have our garden and be able to get some strawberries and melons. This year Cindy and Dave helped my fruit craving.

#2 Vacation
We didn't go anywhere extravagant this year. But we still made it to Vegas and up to Yellowstone.

#3 Swimming
We REALLY missed our apartment pool this year. Luckily we had seven peaks passes so we could go there to enjoy the water.

#4 BBQ
Hopefully next year we can get a BBQ of our own, but we did enjoy some from family and the neighborhood. My favorite is when John's dad spoils me with grilled pineapple.

#5 Heat
I love that during the summer I don't have to keep a jacket nearby just in case. I hate the feeling of being cold, John is excited for that though. 

What are you going to miss about summer?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pregnancy Venting

Part of me is getting rebellious and sick of being pregnant. I want to:

  • eat raw cookie dough and brownie mix

  • sleep through the night

  • wear my regular clothes (I think I deserve a shopping spree afterwards :) )

  • lose a lot of weight from just dance

  • not go to the doctors all the time

  • and not have swollen feet

The worst lately has been the baby's fascination with my ribs, and not sleeping at night. I can't sit comfortably at all it seems. The only way I can be comfortable is laying down. I got a body pillow yesterday and that did help some, but I still seem restless. Any advice out there?